Lansing CSD campus's closed to students Monday and Tuesday
Lansing, NY (WENY) -- Chris Pettograsso, the superintendent of the Lansing Central School District has announced that the campus would be closed on March 16th and March 17th. They will still continue to hold elementary school parent-teacher conferences in the afternoon on Tuesday. Pettograsso says that a separate piece of communication will be emailed out regarding the parent-teacher conferences. Only Operations and maintenance staff will be able allowed on campus.
In a statement Pettograsso said, “Additionally, we will be providing our faculty and staff with necessary training and time to prepare for a longer duration closing should we need it. This will also provide us time to learn more from the Department of Health regarding the next steps. Please note that this plan of action may very well be null and void based on any new information from the NYSDOH”.
The plan is as follows for everyone else:
Monday, March 16th
8:30 – 9:45 – ALL district employees to MS Auditorium
Educational update on the Coronavirus and Current Situation
Distribution and review of District Pandemic Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Mental Health Services
Operations – Payroll, health insurance, etc.
Any additional questions you may have
Anti-bias and confidentiality training
10:00 – 11:45 – All Faculty
Distribution of Academic and Instructional Comprehensive Plan
Virtual learning and instructional practices – Mike Lockwood
Additional practices (non-virtual)
Legal review of Special Education Services and how/ what we can implement if closed
On Tuesday faculty and staff should report as normal. The idea behind the closing school for both days is to allow staff to engage in deep cleaning efforts and give LFA members time to prepare lessons in the event of a more significant school closing period.
For more information, you can head to the district's website at: