WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (WENY) -  If you love the icy cold weather, then get ready to bundle up! The Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel will be hosting their signature Ice Bar this weekend.

The Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel will be transforming their outdoor patio into an adult playground, where folks can enjoy local wine, beer, music and much more.

"This year they're bringing in 20,000 pounds of ice. They bring in at least one or more professional chainsaw sculptures. So these guys can rip up their chainsaws and do these amazing carvings, beautiful sculptures of all different kinds," says Paul Thomas, Tourism & Marketing Manager for the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce. 

The three day event kicks off Thursday night, starting with the Fire & Ice Chamber Night event. 

"Tomorrow night is Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel's Ice Bar Fire and Ice. Its Chamber night, so the evening is sponsored by the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce. Staff will be here volunteering, pouring drinks, helping out however we can. We also sponsor the fireworks that will conclude that evening," says Thomas. 

Thomas says the winter wonderland event is all for a great cause. 

"The net proceeds from the event have always gone to the Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Red Cross. As you and your viewers know, the Red Cross is just crucial.  Especially this time of year, when people are experiencing all types of difficulties due to the cold and what not. Its always been a terrific help to them and their operating expenses," says Thomas. 

Tickets for the Chamber Night at Fire & Ice are still available. To learn more about the event, and to purchase tickets click here.