Second Case of Coronavirus Confirmed in United States
(WENY)-- A second case of the Coronavirus has been confirmed in the United States. The patient is a 60 year old women who flew from Wuhan, China to Chicago on January 13th. The patient reported that she did not feel sick during the trip and health authorities say she has had limited close contact since returning to Chicago. The patient is in isolation at a hospital in Chicago and is in stable condition.
The New York State Department of Health currently has four persons in isolation and under investigation for novel coronavirus. Their cases are being tested at the CDC, so far one of the cases has been proven negative and three are still pending.
Even though New York is currently at a low risk, Governor Cuomo is calling for increased vigilance to ensure New Yorkers are protected.
"As we learn about the first confirmed cases of this novel coronavirus in the United States and potentially in New York, I want to assure New Yorkers that we are prepared," says Governor Andrew Cuomo. "We are undertaking a wide-reaching and rigorous effort with all stakeholders, including healthcare providers, airports and federal health officials, to put in place the appropriate precautions to keep New Yorkers safe. The symptoms of this virus are very similar to a common cold, if you are concerned that you might be ill, please follow our guidance to protect yourself and others."
The virus has similar symptoms to the common cold, but this virus has taken 26 lives in China so far. Symptoms of the novel coronavirus may include but are not limited to: Runny Nose, Headache, Cough, Sore throat, Fever, and general feeling of being unwell.
The CDC has recommended that individual avoid all nonessential travel to Wuhan, China, but has provided specific information for those who are still planning on traveling to Wuhan.
Any individuals experiencing symptoms and may have traveled to areas of concern or have been in contact with someone who has traveled to these areas should call their healthcare provider before presenting for treatment.