(WENY) -- Can you imagine a world without electric lights? Did you know Corning had a role in helping the great inventor Thomas Edison in his creation of the bulb? 

The Crystal City is in the middle of the 2nd Annual 'Days of Incandescence' which is a 12-day celebration highlighting and honoring the history and mystery surrounding Corning's involvement in the invention of the bulb. 

Organizers from Corning's Gaffer District and Corning & The Southern Finger Lakes sit down with WENY's Isabel Garcia to talk about the various events happening through the 31st for the celebration. 

Additional information about the free event can be found here: https://www.gafferdistrict.com/events/days-incandescence 


Thursday, October 24: Legend of the Gathers Guided Walking Tours

Friday, October 25: Themed Urban Arts Crawl 

Saturday, October 26: Legend of the Gathers Guided Walking Tours | 7 & 8pm / Legend of the Gathers Story Time | 6:30pm / Archibald’s Libations Crawl 5-8pm (https://www.gafferdistrict.com/events/days-incandescence-archibalds-liba...)

Thursday, October 31: Costume Contest / Legend of the Gathers Story Time | 5:30pm / Trick or Treat in Corning’s Gaffer District