First Heritage's New Corporate Headquarters

CORNING, NY (WENY) -- Today in Corning, First Heritage Credit Union has broke ground on a new project that will help their business and the community grow.We visited the construction site to find out more on what will be built.
This area will be the new site of a 25 thousand square foot corporate head quarters for First Heritage. The new complex will also consist of one and two bedroom apartment housing. We spoke with a chairman on First Heritage's board to see how this will help the company provide for its members.
"It's going to allow us to provide more services for our members and also give staff additional rooms so they can function, and allow us to expand. We've been building enough to expand for quite a few years," Robert J. Blair, Chairman on the Board of First Heritage.
The company hopes for this project to be finished in August 2020 and is looking forward to the new expansion. We also spoke with the Mayor Bill Boland on how he believes this will benefit the city of Corning.
Boland said, "This is a major new undertaking, a major financial institution that's making an investment in Corning so we're all going to benefit from that. From a city standpoint, it places this property on the tax roll so there will be revenue to the city which from our perspective, that's a good thing."
Boland also says that this investment is a sign of confidence and forward looking that can only help the city of Corning.