Horseheads Brewing Company kicks off first day of brewing ahead of re-opening

HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) – The Horseheads Brewing Company kicked off the first day of brewing as it prepares to open under new ownership.
Thursday, the head brewer finished transferring the brews into the fermenter to get everything active. The beers and ales are expected to be on tap in about two weeks.
The brew masters are working with the previous owner, Ed Samichisen, to brew the beer Horseheads Brewing is known for, but they say they hope to add some new items as well.
“We're going to have a lot of the original beers,” said Justin Stanton, the head brewer. “I'm going to be doing a lot of new ones too. I've got a lot of new recipes we're working on.”
“We definitely want to have more options than ever before – more taps than ever before. It's going to be a good mix of the old and the new.”
The new owners, Brian and Kevin Lilly, hope to be open and ready for business in June.
(Disclosure: Brian and Kevin Lilly also own Lilly Broadcasting, the parent company of WENY.)