ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Chemung County Legislature held a special meeting Thursday night in response to County Executive Chris Moss' announcement he is firing the Legislative and Special District Attorney. 

"We outlined a plan that ratified the original resolution naming our employee and then we're going ahead with some clarifications with the local laws," says David Manchester, Chairperson of the Legislature. 

This week, Moss announced the Legislative and Special Districts Attorney, Bryan Maggs, will be ending his services in that position as of Friday, March 1st.

Thursday night in a special meeting, Chemung County Legislators voted 13 - 1 on a measure which essentially recognizes the two different opinions, which ultimately lies in the interpretation of the county charter. 

"What it does is it goes to a court system and allows them to review the material. And hopefully we get a favorable view out of that so that we can continue doing our business at the County Legislature," Manchester explains. 

"I think that people recognize this goes to something that's very fundamental, which is the separation of powers, because if the County Executive is permitted to come in and veto resolutions that we do whenever he wants, we should just pack our bags and go home because there would be no reason to have a legislature," says 7th District Legislator Christina Sonsire. 

County Executive Moss did not attend the special meeting, but he did speak with WENY News Thursday afternoon, defending his decision.  

"I have no problem with the position of attorney to the legislature, but it's an appointment by the County Executive. My predecessor got to make the appointment and I'm feel I'm entitled to this same privilege to make the appointment. So I'm not saying that they don't need one, but they don't need one that's separate and distinct and I think the county charter makes that clear that there's one dept. of law within the charter," Moss explains. 

Legislators say leaders held a meeting with Moss after the announcement first came out in an attempt to discuss an alternative route or method to approach the situation. They tell WENY News that Moss told them he had made his decision and they would have to take him to court. 

Sonsire says paperwork is prepared to take the case to the Supreme Court, but there is so set indication when, exactly, it will be formally filed. 

In a statement released to media Thursday afternoon, Moss also referenced conflicts of interest he found with Maggs. That full statement can be found in our related coverage, here: Legislators to hold "special meeting" in wake of attorney firing 

WENY News will continue to follow this story and bring you any new developments.