Happy Saturday Twin Tiers! With so much going and the holidays to prepare for, don't let the cold slow you down this Saturday!

Be sure to prepare for colder than average temperatures, similar to yesterday's, only rising near 31 this afternoon. If you are going to the Ithaca Ice Festival, Christmas on Main Street in Wellsboro or just planning to be outdoors decorating/picking your Christmas tree-be sure to stalk the family up on several layers! Through the day the winds will also make it feel even colder, with breezes as high or in excess of 15mph causing real feel to sink to the upper teens and lower 20s. 

Now if you're planning on traveling precipitation chances will stay low, mainly just a few light flurries possible, but that shouldn't add too much slip to the roads. Clouds will let some peeks of sun in here and there today with decreasing clouds overnight. Tonight temperatures are expected to drop again near 14.