Elmira, N.Y. (WENY)-- In 1868, Ulysses S. Grant was elected as the 18th President of the United States, the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted, and what's now known as Thomas K Beecher Elementary School opened its doors.  Fast forward almost 150 years later, and the school is gearing up to celebrate it's long history.

      Although the 150th anniversary isn't until next year, students at Beecher Elementary are kicking off the celebration now.  Over the past few months, and throughout the next year students will learn about the vast history of the halls they walk through everyday. Beecher Elementary Principal Michael Lanning says the kids are enjoying learning about the school's background.

     "They are kind of fascinated by the fact that we have Thomas K Beecher, who's a pretty famous person of his day. They already knew a lot about Beecher, but then to know the impact he's had on Elmira, the fact that  this is the first school in Chemung County that's public, and that it's in the same place, they find that pretty curious," Lanning says.

     As part of the 150 year celebration, officials at Beecher dedicated a bookshelf in the library to former employee Bob Edwards. Edwards worked at the school for 32 years, starting as a teacher's aide and retiring as a 5th grade teacher. Principal Lanning says the bookshelf dedication involves former faculty and current students. 

     "The retirees are all dedicating a book to go on the bookshelf, and we've involved our kids too. All the grade levels, each have picked a book, and written in why they're dedicating the book, how does that apply to the character of Mr. Edwards, how does that apply to the character of Mr. Beecher, and the history of the school, so it's all kind of being tied together in this ceremony," Lanning explains.

     Next year, the school will host a giant party open to the community to celebrate the milestone. As students and faculty learn more about the history, we'll continue to bring you stories about the celebration throughout the year.