ELMIRA, NY (WENY) -- According to police, Elmira is experiencing a problem with drug trafficking through the city.

     The department says the increasing amount of drugs in the area is now starting to create problems among drug dealers.

     "There are some drug issues here with Heroin, Cocaine, and it becomes territorial for the dealer. So we do have conflicts among groups that are trying to control certain aspects," said Sergeant William Solt of the Elmira Police Department.

     When responding to drug conflicts, officials are noticing more potential witnesses are refusing to speak up.

     Whether it's because of retaliation, or you don't think your information is useful, the police department is still urging the public to report what they know anonymously.

     "The information that you call in anonymously, it may seem innocent, that your information is not going to help," said Solt. "But if you give us a vehicle description or a description of a house, an address, we can sometimes use the information. It may not help us out, but often times we can connect the dots to other things."

     The department says there are many ways  someone can make an anonymous tip, from sending a message through Facebook or Twitter, to calling their front desk.

     "We're looking to make the community safer and we need the community's interaction with us," said Solt. "They're our eyes and ears. They see things first. We need them to cooperate and help us out to help keep their neighborhood safe."

     The Elmira Police Department says that any tips that they receive will remain anonymous. So they're asking anyone who sees anything out of the ordinary to say something.