Annual Stacy's Soap Drive collects toiletries to help domestic violence survivors

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Soap, toothpaste, hairbrushes, and other necessities can mean a lot to those in need. October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month and one local woman is stepping up to help survivors with Stacy's Soap Drive.

The annual drive collects the toiletries in purple boxes at over a dozen locations across Chemung and Schuyler counties. Some of these spots include the Hibernians Center of Chemung County and the Horseheads Moose Lodge among many others.

All of the collected items then go to Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler. More specifically, the First Step Victim Services Program.

According to a statement from Catholic Charities, domestic violence is, "More prevalent than most realize, 1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the US have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, can become a victim of domestic violence. This year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, strives to highlight how common domestic violence is and that it is more than physical violence."

Organizers say some people experiencing a domestic violence situation may often leave with just the clothes on their back. So, they want to do something to help survivors.

Valerie Colunio is the coordinator of Stacy's Soap Drive and has been organizing the drive for the last eight years. Colunio says it started as a small program out of her in-home daycare and has gotten bigger and better every year, to the point where local businesses are now dropoff locations.

"It's for domestic violence victims and we know sometimes people leave their home in a rush to get out of there and they don't have the essential, you know, products, everyday products," said Colunio, "...So we just, it's something little to help them if they're escaping a bad situation."

The Stacy's Soap Drive team began collecting personal hygiene items on September 25 and will continue to do so through October 19. A counting and packing event is set for October 20 and 21 from 12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Elmira Elks Lodge. From there, all items will be donated to Catholic Charities for the agency to distribute to survivors.

"Stacy's Soap Drive is so important to us because of all the personal hygiene items that are provided," said Katie Rhodes, the marketing and development director for Catholic Charities. "So, our program doesn't have funding to provide those items. So someone may leave a situation and really just have the clothes on their back and it's really important to be able to provide those other necessities. But our funding doesn't provide that and so we do rely on Stacy Soap Drive to provide those items for the people that come to us."

 At the beginning of October, Catholic Charities staff and volunteers hung purple ribbons around Montour Falls, Watkins Glen, and Elmira. However, the community wants to push their efforts too and work with the agency even further. This comes by helping victims directly.

"I think it's empowerment," said Colunio. "A lot of people talk about a lot of different situations going on and I think domestic violence gets swept under the rug and we're tired of being sad. We want women to feel -- or not just women, men, anybody, and these victims to, now they need to get angry, get mad. It's all about empowerment and they need to be heard."

Friday, October 4, a kickoff "Purple Out" event will be held at The Yard FLX in Watkins Glen from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. There will be food, live music, vendors, opportunities to donate toiletries to the cause, and testimonials from survivors of domestic violence. More information can be found on the event's Facebook page.

Additionally, on October 10 and 17, Catholic Charities will have programming of their own to help remember, honor, and educate those affected by domestic violence.

In a prepared statement by the agency, they describe the events as follows:

"Two local events will be held that will be an opportunity to remember those lost to domestic violence and honor those who have survived domestic violence and those currently suffering in our community.
•     In Schuyler County, join us on October 10 in LaFayette Park in Watkins Glen from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
•     In Chemung County, the event will be held at Wisner Park in Elmira on October 17 from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
Attendees are encouraged to wear purple and visit the Catholic Charities’ table to pick up information on services."

For those looking to show their support in the community, Catholic Charities is also distributing “Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” yard signs. The signs are available and can be picked up from the Catholic Charities offices during regular business hours. Those hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. People who want a sign are asked to call (607) 734-9784 to arrange pick up.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone and, it isn't always physical. Rhodes says it can also take place in the form of verbal abuse and even financial control as well. But, there is help available to those who need it.

For individuals experiencing domestic violence or know someone who is, free and confidential help is available 24/7. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached at or 1-(800) 799-SAFE (7233). On a local level, the Catholic Charities' First Step Victim Services Hotline can be reached at (607)-742-9629 (call or text) or you can check out the Victim Services tab on their website.

Another resource for those experiencing a domestic violence situation is the Safe to Say Campaign. The campaign is a partnership with local businesses and organizations that provides a safe place for victims where it is “safe to say” what happened so they can receive the necessary help.

Training for businesses and organizations has been offered in multiple locations since 2020. If your business or location is interested in becoming a Safe to Say location, you can get more information at

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