Elmira College first-year students volunteer at Eldridge Park

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Just under a month into fall semester, Elmira College first-year students had their first day of service where they volunteered to prepare Eldridge Park for its transition to the off-season.

The students, who started their college careers earlier this month, had their first opportunity to give back to the local community.

"It's great to be honest. I think it gains moral value a lot. I think it makes you see the world in a different perspective, for sure, rather than just being sheltered up in your dorm room. You get to interact with other people, get to know their experiences, and just get to help the community out one day at a time," remarked Michael Currao,  majoring in biochemistry.

Eldridge Park wrapped up its summer season back on September 8th, and even though it'll be hosting some events in the fall, work still needs to be done to properly prepare the park for winter.

Students put away ride equipment and components, along with park fixtures such as benches. Lake-related items like life jackets and paddle boats were also put into storage.

"It definitely feels great to be able to help out with something that brings a lot of history to this place. It just helps us get around and help out with the community," added Michael Polinselli, majoring in criminal justice.

Students arrived by the bus-load and were directed to their respective tasks by faculty and Eldridge Park staff. The Eldridge Park carousel and mini golf course will be opened up one more time this year from October 11th to the 13th to celebrate Harvest Weekend.

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