Local Veterans Find Support at the Annual 'Veteran's Stand Down' Event

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The annual "Veteran's Stand Down Event," made its return to Elmira's Dunn Field on Thursday. The morning and early afternoon events offered local veterans to stop by and learn about the resources available to them.

Services include, but are not limited to: 

Hundreds of people came by to attend the event hosted by the Finger Lake VA Health System. Stand Down offers Veterans a chance to connect with others, learn about available resources, and gather essential supplies. 

Lisa Romer, who served in the Army emphasized the importance of these types of community events.

"In today's world it's needed," says Army Veteran Lisa Romer. "There's a lot of things that we need that we can't get or that you have to pay through the nose to get, and when you come here there's other people in the same boat, you're not alone and they give it to you. So I mean that's a big plus for us, for anybody who needs things, especially being in the military." 

Through her military service, Romer learned both combat techniques and how to bond with fellow soldiers. For her, the value of events like this goes beyond the supplies, it's about the shared experience and knowing there is a support system available.

"I didn't like to ask for help, you know, and so I'm always the one who's offering help because somebody's got to do it, you know. And now there's more people stepping up and doing it," says Romer. 

Romer continues to work with the VA to access the services she needs and actively contributes to her community.

"Where I live, we have a community, so we help each other. We have meals together, you know, we have bonfires and picnics together, and if somebody needs something and the other one can't go get it, the other one will go get it. So it's just all about helping, helping your neighbors, you know, and, and just being there if they need something," explained Romer. 

To find a VA in a location near you, visit this link to find the best facility for you. 

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