The Ernie Davis Community Fashion Club set to host fashion fundraiser

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Ernie Davis Community Fashion Club is organizing a fashion show fundraiser to create more opportunities for the participating youth.

Elmira native Jordan Brooks, who now works as a wardrobe stylist in Los Angeles, California, created the program in 2012 to help children become more involved in the fashion industry.   

“I decided to start a program that helps children in the area learn more about fashion at a younger age [and] that helps steer their career, hopefully in the future.”   

Brooks says that growing up in the area, there were not many opportunities presented to learn more about the fashion industry, which helped him pursue his passions and interests. Now, as an adult, he has become a pillar to the youth, helping them find their niche.   

“I'm a wardrobe stylist in Los Angeles. I've been there almost 10 years now. So, sharing knowledge that I can pass along to the kids is really, really important to me.  I'm excited to continue the legacy of the Fashion Express program here in Elmira and hopefully expand to other counties.”   

Back in July of 2024, Brooks allowed students to participate in a three–day Model Boot Camp; a crash course centered around building self-confidence, how to break into the industry, runway, nutrition, social media, and marketing among many other topics.   

Students then had the chance to work alongside local designer Margaret McDowell’s brand “JustBe.72” for New York Fashion Week on Sept. 5.  Brooks described seeing his students on stage as a full-circle moment as a teacher. 

“It's different when you see them in boot camp because some of them started, you know, a little rough, but then by the third day it was like looking at a different student,” says Brooks. “To see that progression and then see them in New York, in Times Square, which people dream all their life about modeling and New York Fashion Week was amazing.”   

The fashion fundraiser will be held on Sept. 21 at the Ernie Davis Community Center in the gym from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The event costs $10 at the entrance and will serve as a fashion program donation. Brooks says attendance for the event will help develop more tools for kids to access.  

“With those donations we're able to take more trips like New York Fashion Week or just going to New York to help enrich the education process, hopefully to visit  F. I. T. and Parsons School of Fashion, which are schools that are in New York City, and it has fashion marketing and influential marketing.”  

With a hopeful smile, Brooks says the he aspires for the program to continue growing and help spread more fashion awareness, while guiding kids' interest into other avenues.   

 “When I started it in 2012, I was heavily concentrated on modeling. But now, after working in the industry more, I want to expand that to like styling, fashion photography, [and] outside of just modeling.”   

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