Lake Street Lawn Fest held for the first time in Elmira

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Nine local non-profit organizations put together a day of fun in Elmira today. Lake Street Lawn Fest helped to bring the community together and share a variety of important information.

On Saturday afternoon, Lake Street was shut down and filled with all kinds of music, a variety of artists, and people enjoying time with their loved ones.

"We all really want everybody to know what we do," said Katie Boland, the Executive Director for Meals on Wheels of Chemung County. "When I got here to Meals on Wheels, I knew what we did, but I didn't realize the scope of all that we do and, I believe that's about most of our non-profit organizations. We do an awful lot for the community but I'm not sure everybody knows what it is that we do. So this is an opportunity for people to come in, learn how they can help, learn how we can help them. It's just a good community outreach."

As an effort to incorporate fun into an outreach event, Boland and fellow organizers came up with the idea for a block party of sorts. According to Boland, Lake Street has several non-profits up and down the block. So, it was the perfect spot to hold this event as the groups were able to set up outside their buildings and offer all kinds of items and information to the public.

For example, Community Arts of Elmira had several booths set up with interactive crafts and art pieces. Another hit for the kids who came out was free face painting and glitter tattoos from Painted Love by Jen Sekella.

Some say the event really showcased the heart of the community.

"It is that beautiful thing about Chemung County and all the organizations that people become involved with and who they give their time and energy and money to," said Brent Stermer, the Minority Leader for the Chemung County Legislature. "All of them in their own way contribute to making Elmira and Chemung County a better place to live, work, and play."

People were able to walk up and down Lake Street from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. and enjoy each and every band, craft, and activity.

Some who just arrived at the event say everywhere you looked, there was something to do or see.

"Honestly we just got here so we've just started walking through and we'll see but it looks very interesting," said Gina Golden, an attendee who came to the event with her family. "I'm even enjoying the street art so far."

Overall, organizers said they were happy with the turnout but, more importantly, they were glad to see people having fun. This is the first year of Lake Street Lawn Fest, however, they are hoping to make it an annual event moving forward.

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