Penn Yan Man Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Overthrow Government
PENN YAN, N.Y. (WENY) - A Penn Yan man was arrested on Thursday after calling to overthrow the government.
According to Penn Yan Police, Tyler Newkirk, 33 was arrested after he allegedly composed written materials calling for the violent overthrow of state, local and federal government.
Police say that Newkirk also allegedly threatened military service members, local law enforcement, government officials, and banks. Police also say that Newkirk claimed his goal was to topple our existing government and replace it with a new system.
Newkirk was taken into custody at a motel in Montour Falls and was charged with Criminal Anarchy.
He was then brought to a medical facility for a mental health evaluation and possible treatment.
The Penn Yan Police Department worked with the FBI, NYSP, the United States Army, social media companies, Geneva Police Department, Webster Police Department and the Schuyler County Sheriff's Office on this investigation.